05/16/05: WOW!

M: Well, let's make this a quick one, shall we? It's three in the morning, I'm off to the airport in five hours, I haven't packed yet, let alone slept. L.A.,
here we come. Good old E3. To be honest, I'm almost as curious about the new security policies at the U.S. immigration desks as I am about
all the new games and consoles. Guess I'll leave my good old Postal 2 shirt at home, this time.

As for the strip, am I the only person in our line of business that doesn't play World of Warcraft? I mean, come on, I know it's great and all (at least
I assume it's great, plus, I love the art direction), but don't you guys have better things to do than slay another twenty mountain lions or raise your
sewing skill to 200? Anyway, I've actually seen people greet each other with "What level?" instead of "Hello", so I guess it has to have SOME
appeal after all. And they say I don't have a life...